New publication: OPEN: FIVE FILTHY BISEXUAL EROTIC STORIES is now available!

I'm very excited to announce this new publication. OPEN: FIVE FILTHY BISEXUAL EROTIC STORIES is now available! Just look at the line up. I'm honoured to have my story appear in this Pretty Things Press anthology alongside work by authors Tenille Brown, Sommer Marsden, Sophia Valenti, and Alison Tyler. Here is the cover (by Riendo) and the details!


A bisexual wants the best of both worlds. She wants to run around kissing her girlfriends in nightclubs and giving her boyfriends threesomes as birthday gifts. He wants to feel comfortable in the arms of a man or a woman—or both at the same time. Bisexuality is affection with options. It’s love unlimited. It is love-making with a body that doesn’t necessarily have to swing or part.

In this collection, Tenille Brown, Sommer Marsden, Alison Tyler, Sophia Valenti, and Saskia Walker delve into the erotic escapades of bisexual women.

So, come on, we dare you. Be adventurous. Be receptive. Be…open.

Available now from Amazon US and Amazon UK. Coming in PoD soon!

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