What am I up to?

Hey folks, how are you doing? Yes, I'm back and busy at my desk. I know, you thought I was still languishing under a parasol and had forgotten to catch my flight back. Nope. Got back to a busy inbox and lots to do, so this is the first time I've had a chance to post on the blog.

First up was AAs (Author Alterations, as they are known at Harlequin,) for THE LIBERTINE. (This stage is also known as proofs or galleys.) It's always a bit never wracking at this point, the final chance to pick up and change any errors, and I'm always praying I don't miss anything. That's now done and gone and the next time I see the book it'll be in print. (eek!) Next up I'm expecting AAs for THE JEZEBEL to arrive. Having a back-to-back trilogy certainly makes for a busy round of events in these final stages for the author.

I've also been working with the folks at Vixely, who produce a magazine for ipad readers. They are launching an erotica collection and selected two of my short stories to be illustrated and included. It's an exciting venture and lots of great erotica writers are involved. You can check it out here.

Alongside that, two of my previously published novels have reverted to me recently, RECKLESS and MONICA'S SECRET, so I'll be making those available at cheaper price soon. It had got to the point where I didn't even want to promote RECKLESS because the publisher had it at a whopping $15 for an e-book download and $19 for print. *faints* Sometimes I wonder if they even want to sell books, you know. Enough said. Thankfully most publishers have a bit more savvy. ;) So, if you haven't read either of those and would like to give them a go, I'll be posting more details very soon.

The BURLINGTON MANOR AFFAIR books, my current project, have been filling my mind. I've already got a chunk of writing under my belt and I now have solid deadlines to meet, so I'll be focusing completely on those two titles over the next five months. I'm so thrilled, because this was an idea I first pulled together early in 2008. While I was at the RWA conference in San Francisco that year I proposed it to a publisher I'd been working with for novella length, and they were very interested. When I began putting a formal proposal together, on my return home, it was clear to me that novella wasn't the right length, so I put the story on hold while I considered what best to do with it. Now it's been commissioned by Harlequin for the HQN line and it's going to be two books. Perfect. I've lived with this couple, Carmen and Rex, and their story has been in my mind on and off in the years in between, so it's great to be able to clear my desk and focus solely on them for the next few months.

I'll post again soon with news about the backlist publications. In the meantime, if you're looking for something to get you in the mood for Halloween, my story THE STRANGELING is a fantasy romance story based around Samhain, and it's available for around $2.99../£1.97. If you haven't read this one before you can take a peak at an excerpt here. 

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